Right i've taken a little bit longer than expected to write a 2nd entry. It wasn't writers block or a lack of interest in doing this, I just didn't have anything to write about. A bit like a local paper where theres really no interesting things going on, my life in a nutshell basically. Im now into week 4 of my new shiny stable knee ligament and it's alot better, I can walk without crutches and to a degree squat to a position where if I needed to empty my bowels it isn't going to cover my ankles (not that i've actually done that mind).
I went to a friends 30th birthday party saturday up a pub called 'the sally'. It reminded me inside of a quaint old pub you would see on the tele until we started to get rather drunk (the birthday boy was sick all over the carpet). The image I had was ruined at this point and it just turned into any local pub where jaeger bombs and random shots of alocohol were just another night out. Still the reunion we had was like we all still hung around in the hog and hosper (when it was owned by the legend Mostyn), and we all are alot older but still none the wiser.
On the changing my life around from my last entry i've applied for a job, as a sales rep in port talbot. This if I get the job will be the big change my life needs and to motivate me to success (hopefully if I don't screw it up). I wont be moving down there as I can handle driving long-ish distances everyday, plus they provide you with a company car. The money is also a couple grand more than im on now which is a added bonus to be honest, plus i'll never have to get my hands dirty ever again working on god awfull, bird crap cover roofs that have way to many dangerous diseases ready to render you ill for weeks (a bit like the globe when it was open).
The boredom factor is getting ridiculous, i've started to become a sort of recluse only ever leaving the house for cigarettes or to see the lovely lady im seeing. Going out has become such a chore, when I can sit and watch films and xbox it all day. Missing going to work is one thing I never thought I would miss but I do and on that Jeremy Clarkson bombshell im done.
Thanks for reading
Ordinary Ash
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